You wonder how Luis Felipe Scolari ever won a World Cup with a statement like this:
“My vote for World Player of the Year is for Frank. Only he could score that goal...It’s one of the best goals I’ve seen. There’s only one player with this quality to score that goal...To have that intelligence to see the goalkeeper and to finish like that, I think it’s one of the best I’ve seen in my football career...He’s an intelligent player. I don’t see any player the same as Frank — it’s a fantastic for a coach to have a player like him.”
Lampard is a very good player - but The Best Player in the World?
Come on Luis, are we missing something here?
Still, this mention meets our criteria: Scolari is a manager and he did use the term "The Best Player in the World".
Therefore, one vote for Lampard - as if it's going to make a difference in this contest.
> Info Source
3 weeks ago